Holiday Show Downtown Indianapolis Indiana

Indianapolis Indiana Based Magician The Magic Comic Jamahl Keyes Will Be A Featured Guest On The All Star Cast

About The Show!

It's December, 1922...

… and winter weather and lack of funds have left the Clerical Error Productions Vaudeville Company stranded in Indianapolis. Can they make it home to Poughkeepsie, NY in time for the holidays?

Mother Benn and Digger Duffy turn calamity into comedy as they pull their troupe together for an impromptu holiday show featuring magic, song, dance, mime, and feats of amazing skill. They’ll raise holiday spirits with prize giveaways for the audience and photos with Father Christmas! Written Kate Duffy and directed by CEP’s vaudeville coordinator James Benn with a comic sketch by Kevin Caraher.

What is Vaudeville?

A type of entertainment popular chiefly in the US in the early 20th century, featuring a mixture of specialty acts such as burlesque comedy and song and dance.

Vaudeville was a genre of variety entertainment prevalent on the stage in the United States and Canada, from the early 1880s until the early 1930s. Vaudeville became one of the most popular types of entertainment in North America. Each evening’s bill of performance was made up of a series of separate, unrelated acts. Types of acts included (among others) musicians, dancers, comedians, trained animals, magicians, female and male impersonators, acrobats, one-act plays or scenes from plays, athletes, lecturing celebrities, minstrels, and short movies.

More the four thousand magicians performed on vaudeville bills around the world including: Harry Blackstone, Harry Houdini and Black Herman to name a few.

Award winning comedy magician the magic comic- jamahl keyes will be a special at clerical errors productions new vaudeville review of 2022 this family fun out-the-box show features comedy, music, dance, juggling, feats of magic exhibitions of skill surprising variety acts downtown indianapolis, in at the district theatre.

Holiday Vaudeville Revue will have special guest  The Magic Comic- Jamahl Keyes who has appeared on appeared on The Family Channel, TNN and The World Famous Magic Castle to name a few. His feature will include Off The Wall Comedy Magic, Unpredictable Mind-Reading, Audience Participation and many Crazy Surprises.

One Night Only Downtown Indianapolis December 3, 7:30pm

District Theatre 627 Massachusetts Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Tickets are $15 Senior/Students $20 Adults/General Admission

Tickets are available at:

Clerical Error Production last Vaudeville Production was a hit earlier this year at The District Theatre Downtown Indianapolis on Mass Ave. After the show a couple came up to the performers and told them it was one of the best date nights they have had in years.

To secure a very magical and interactive interview opportunities with The Magic Comic- Jamahl Keyes or for further information, email (Attention Production Manager).

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